Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Gossip or an olive branch?

A short but sweet post to bring you all to the attention of popular member polls. This link is under the sud-heading magazine. There has been so many postings on this section since i first started looking at the site, i can only presume (from the quality of posts) that people are either bored or desperate to seek advice. These polls range from religion, virginity, first dates all the way to secret guilty pleasures. Furthermore there are more responses posted in reply to the polls, particulary on those polls surrounding the choosen people, God's witnesses, viringity and who will be saved. Why is it that polls of this variety create such a strong response, and varied? Maybe this could be because online forums and polls can be discrete, no-one feels judged, especailly in our modern society where are emotions and opinions can often be supressed. I think that Christians, especially those who are extreme in thier beliefs and practises might find discussing subjects on a site like BigChruch uplifting, as they know they are preaching to people who often share the same opinions. This is just my personal theory, but it would be interesting to know what propells people to ask complete strangers questions about life, death, heaven, virginity etc. questions that indeed shape our future and decisions. Does knowing about other peoples opinions, advice or criticism offer people hope or relief? Or is it merely a way of communicating to a wider community, an olive branch for a secular community?


Unknown said...

The polls on the site are very interesting. i think the main reason people like to use polls is because it gets many opinions off many different people and its anonamous so neither the author or the person taking part have to show who they are. Because of this the polls can be on various different things and usually there are much more contentious issues discussed such as sex and views on heaven and hell.getting othe rpeople view on these issues must be a relief for any christian and can act as reassurance and may make them feel accepte and part of a group!

Anonymous said...

I think that when extreme Christians ask strangers about their beliefs on difficult subjects such as life, death and sex etc... (like you said) it can often be for their own contentment and affirmation as well as so they can try and challenge and convert people to their own beliefs. Why do many Christians feel it important to convert non-believers to their own set of beliefs? Is it because they are so passionate to spread the word of God? Or perhaps for their own self-security... saftey in numbers?


Unknown said...

yeah but Toby, some Christians feel that it is their duty to god to spread Christianity to others. Also, I think these polls aren't used to validate their beliefs or convert people towards a Christian mindset becuase they're on a Christian website. Yeah people on this site are asking total strangers for their opinions and advice but maybe they're just bored/curious or genuinely interested in the advice of others?

anniesastonishingadventures said...

your comments have been noted - The first comment is interesting and i share the same view point, that many probably use the polls for reassurance and guidance. In answer to Toby's comment, Carly has suggested not all Christians feel it is thier duty to spread God's word or convert non-believers - and i agree, the Evangelical community is not as large as one might expect. We all feel safe within our own communities!

Unknown said...

I dont like the fact that Toby thinks that Christians try to convert people to their religion because they are insecure.

As carly said it is in the bible to spread the word of God and not all Christians will 'force' their belief on you.

Also I am not afraid to talk about sex death or any 'Taboo' Christian subjects as I will let you hear my opinions on the matter and will listen to yours.